Teen Life, November think one of the most important things
you can do for yourself is make sure you get a good education--and
then take advantage of the opportunity. like to eat.'re athletic, or at least active--or if that fails, at least
wining to get the old body moving. think traveling is fantastic. like to meet people.'re not constantly thinking about the way you look. you
have a special fondness for men with curly blond hair. think you'd enjoy the luxury of sitting back and letting
Ben do the cooking most of the time. like fresh air. don't get car-sick. think love is the most important and wonderful thing in
the world. like to do new and different things, even if it means changing
the way you live constantly. think fruits and vegetables are absolutely delicious.'re not bad with a tennis racket--or are at least willing
to learn how to swing one. can light a fire without matches. love to laugh.'ve sometimes lost track of time because you were completely
absorbed in something you were reading. hate phonyness in everyone. believe that practice makes perfect.'d rather wear jeans and a tee-shirt than get all dressed
up. enjoy good pop music.'d rather have a few really good friends rather than a lot
of casual acquaintances. enjoy sharing fond memories with another person. sometimes do things on the spur of the moment. think children are great. like to talk over ideas you may have to get another person's
opinion. like yourself. always try to do your best, no matter bow big or small
the job is.