You know
the old saying about turning over a new leaf for the New Year...
Well, I've decided to go one better than that, and open a whole
new book! Come the start of 1974, I'll be setting off round the
world. And--you've guessed it--I'm planning on taking in Hollywood
en route.
Naturally, I'm terribly excited about the whole thing. There's only one part about it that makes me a little sad... You see, it'll mean that I'll have to quit running the British Alias Smith & Jones Fan Club and I won't be writing my regular monthly newsletter to you any more. Mind you, I hope that we won't be losing touch altogether.
Once I get to the States, I'll be able to send lots and lots of 'on-the-spot' news back to you all! I can't wait to talk to Ben and Roger without their voices getting distorted by crackles on the line. And you can be sure that I'll pass everything they say on to YOU.
Of course, my sudden wanderlust presented an awful lot of problems as far as the Fan Club was concerned. But, between us, we've already solved some of them and I hope to have all the rest well and truly cleared up by the end of this month.
The most important change is that the Fan Club office will be transferred back to the States as from the end of the year. So, if you want to write to Ben or Roger from now on, send your letters to them, care of Universal Television (U.S.A.), 100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City, California 91608.
But please don't send any money for Fan Club kits to America. They certainly won't have the same kit as we've got here in Britain, and, at the moment, I'm not even sure if they have anything similar. In any case, do remember that it is always very risky sending money orders abroad. There seem to be so many ways that your orders can get lost or mislaid and there is very little you can do about getting your money back.
Talking of savings, I do realise that some of you may have been saving up for ages to join the Fan Club or maybe planning to treat yourself to a subscription this Christmas. . . Well, I'd hate to disappoint anyone just because they've been a bit late getting off the mark. So, if you would desperately like an Alias Smith & Jones Fan Club kit, send off a postal order for 86p right away and I promise to put one in the post to you before I leave Britain.
I'm afraid that I will have to set a definite deadline, though-- otherwise I'll never get away! The deadline is Monday, 10th December. I'll be dealing with every application which is postmarked ON OR BEFORE THAT DATE. Please don't send anything after that, because I honestly won't be able to do anything about your application and it may even mean that you'll lose your money.
Sorry . . . This has been a rather dreary, unfestive Xmas newsletter, but I'm sure you'll understand that I had to get all these practical matters cleared up.
From me, it's thanks for your friendship
during the past year and au revoir for a while...