- TV and Movie Screen, Feb 1967
- with Indus Arthur
- TV and Movie Screen, Feb 1967
- with Indus Arthur
- TV and Movie Screen, Feb 1967
- with Indus Arthur
- TV and Movie Screen, Feb 1967
- TV and Movie Screen, Feb 1967
- with Indus Arthur
- flip, Sept 1971
- with Judy Carne from Love
on a Rooftop
- Rona Barrett's Hollywood, June
- with Clinton Greyn in How
to Steal an Airplane
- From Ana
- with Clinton Greyn in How
to Steal an Airplane
- From Ana
- Screen Parade, Aug 1966
- Lobbby Card 2 from The Hell
with Heroes, 1968
- From Sheila
- Photo TV Land, April 1967
- TV Picture Life, April 1972
- TV Picture Life, April 1972
- with Judy Carne
- TV Picture Life, April 1972
- with Jill Andre
- in the 1970 movie Cannon
for Cordoba
- From Ana
- The Philadelphia Inquirer TV
Week, May 9, 1971
- with Judy Carne in Love on
a Rooftop
- TV and Movie Screen, July 1969
- TV News (Indianapolis, IN),
March 11, 1967
- with Judy Carne
- flip Superstars Poster Annual,
summer 1972
- in The FBI, "Slow
March Up a Steep Hill", 1965
- TV Star Parade, April 1967
- TV Star Parade, April 1967
- with Sally Field at the WAIF
- Tiger Beat Spectacular, March
- Movie Life, April 1972
- with Kim Darby
- Movie Life, April 1972
- Movie Life, April 1972
- with Diane Ray
- with Clinton Greyn in How
to Steal an Airplane
- From Ana
- From Ana
- 7x9 glossy
- in Love on a Rooftop, 1966
- 8x10 glossy
- with girlfriend Mary Beth Griswold,
ca 1968
- From kc and Ana
- with Judy Carne in Love on
a Rooftop, 1966
- From Ana
- The Magazine for Young Age (Japanese),
May 1972
- 8x10 glossy
- From kc