- 8x10 glossy,
- looking at a script
- while filming "The Day
They Hanged Kid Curry"
- 8x10 glossy
- from TV movie How
- to Steal an Airplane
- 'TEEN, Aug 1971
- Tiger Beat Spectacular,
- Aug 1971
- with Judy Carne from
- Love on a Rooftop
- Judy Carne's autobiography,
- with Judy and her parents
- TV Guide, Oct 15, 1966
- Motion Picture,
- Aug 1967
- Photoplay, April 1972
- with girlfriend Diane Ray
- Screen Stories, May 1967
- sitting on the rooftop
- with Judy Carne
- Motion Picture, Aug 1967
- His parents (top),
- Pete at age 4 (center),
- with Geoff (bottom)
- TV Radio Mirror,
- Jan 1967
- a reverse image
- photo at left flipped
- to the correct orientation
- TV Radio Mirror,
- May 1966
- Box Magazine, 1997
- with Mickey Dolenz
- and Sally Field
- SPEC 16 Magazine,
- Nov 1971
- Motion Picture,
- April 1972
- Tiger Beat, Sept 1971
- in his garage apartment
- Tiger Beat, Sept 1971
- in his garage apartment
- Tiger Beat, Sept 1971
- in his garage apartment
- Tiger Beat, Sept 1971
- in his garage apartment
- Tiger Beat, Sept 1971
- in his garage apartment
- Tiger Beat, Sept 1971
- in his garage apartment
- Tiger Beat, Sept 1971
- in his garage apartment
- Tiger Beat, March 1972
- with Carroll (left) and Shoshone
- in Dec 1971
- Tiger Beat, Oct 1971
- Motion Picture,
- Sept 1971
- Motion Picture,
- Sept 1971
- with Diane Ray
- TV Picture Life,
- April 1972
- with Diane Ray
- TV Movie Scene,
- March 1972
- From Beth
- TV Movie Scene,
- March 1972
- with Diane Ray
- From Beth
- Movieland & TV
- Annual, Spring 1972
- with Diane Ray
- Tiger Beat, July 1971
- Love on a Rooftop (left)
- "The Root of It All"
- TV Guide, Jan 7, 1967
- from an ad for ABC shows
- TV Radio Mirror, May 1967
- with Judy Carne
- TV Radio Mirror, May 1967
- with Judy Carne