16 Magazine, September 1971

- PETE DUEL--Did You Pass His Love
11 you took Pete Duel's Love Test. Now compare the answers
you checked with the correct answers below -to find out if you're
the girl for Pete!!
- 1. NO -- Pete's not too crazy about
pushy-type girls!
2. YES -- Pete would be glad you wanted to wait too!
3. NO ---Pete's favorite clothes are blue jeans and a T-shirt.
4. NO -- Pete sometimes likes dinner out and a movie, but that's
not his favorite kind of date.
5. YES-- If you want to be Pete's girl, you should really have
a love of the outdoors and doing simple things that can be-fun,
cos the company is good.
6. NO -- Pete would find that horribly boring.
7. YES -- Pete is very much involved with today and he
wants his girl to be too.
8. NO -- With the day-to-day pressure of filming a TV series,
Pete doesn't need pressure from a girl!
9. YES -- An understanding and cheery disposition is why he's
calling you in the first place!
10. NO -- Pete may look at the comics, but he doesn't spend too
much time reading them.
11. YES -- One of Pete's favorite pastimes is reading books on
every subject imaginable.
12. NO- Who needs two people in a bad mood?
13. YES -- Pete loves a good joke and a smile can change his
mood from blue to bright in no time!
14. YES -- Pete adores animals and he has three dogs of his own.
15. YES -- A good-night kiss is Pete's way of saying "I
like you."
- If you have eight out of 15 answers
that match up with Pete's answers -- you have a passing score.
If you have eleven correct answers -- you're really on your way
to winning Pete's heart! If you answered all 15 questions the
same -- you WON!!
BEN MURPHY--Did You Pass His Love Test?
11 you took Ben Murphy's Love Test. Now compare the answers you
marked with the correct answers below to see if you're Ben's
kind of girl!!
1. NO -- Ben doesn't dig gigglers, starers or people who tell
him he looks like you-know-who!
2. YES -- Ben wants you to be yourself and get to know the real
3. YES -- Ben loves being with people because they're interesting
and fun.
4. YES -- Ben would love to teach you to ride, so you could share
the fun with him.
5. NO -- Sometimes Ben likes a night Out on the town, but he
wouldn't date a girl who only liked that.
6. NO -- Ben wouldn't expect to see you every night, either.
7. YES -- He needs some time alone to pursue those creative kind
of hobbies that really can't be shared.
8. NO -- Ben hopes you like him for himself -- not for his "image."
9. YES -- It's what the person is that counts, not what he does
for a living.
10. NO -- Ben loves to read, and he'd want you to share his enthusiasm
if something was good.
11. YES -- With Ben's quick wit, a girl has to have a good sense
of humor!
12. NO -- Ben likes health foods and he'd want you to try them
at least once.
13. YES -- Holding hands with Ben would be fun!
14. NO -- Ben doesn't have the time to waste talking about nothing
on the telephone.
15. YES -- Ben's traveled a lot already and plans to do. more
of it in the future -- he loves new places!
If you have eight out of 15 answers that match up with Ben's
answers -- you have a passing score. If you have eleven correct
answers -- you're well on your way to capturing Ben's heart!
If you answered all 15 questions correctly -- consider yourself
to Pete Articles List
or Ben Articles List