- Two short items on Pete
- TV and Movie Screen
- March 1967
From gossip/gossip/gossip by Marilyn Beck:
- Speaking of parties, I even got into
the act this month, having the privilege of honoring my publisher
and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Latzen, during one of their
rare visits to the West Coast... [skipping
over mention of Hugh O'Brian at the party]...It was so nice seeing old friends like Bob
Crane, Ed Ames and Peter Deuel chatting together.
Both Bob and Ed are neighbors of this reporter
and seemed to be doing their best to convince Peter that
Tarzana is the only place to live. If it is the country air which
is responsible for such great guys as Bob and Ed,
then I must agree. Peter Deuel was with stunning-looking
Thondis [sic, Thordis] Brandt, an actress he's been seeing
an awful lot of lately.
The Scientific Matchmaker by Arnold Paulus:
- Photo Caption:
The Dating Game which Sally Field appeared on is no game to Sally.
She thinks it's too mechanical and prefers to find her dates
on her own--and spontaneously--as she did Peter Deuel, whom she
met at a party.

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