- AS&J fan Beverly with Earl Holliman (Wheat)
- The Fireman's Ball, Granada
Hills, CA
- 1977 or 1978
- From Bev
- Stage 36
- A Universal soundstage where
AS&J was filmed
- June 19, 2000
- Stagecoach used in AS&J
- sitting outside of the Wild,
Wild, Wild West show at Universal Studios, Hollywood, CA
- June 19, 2000
- Vanity Fair, Dec 1995
- The Westerners, page 1
- Vanity Fair, Dec 1995
- The Westerners, page 2
- Vanity Fair, Dec 1995
- The Westerners, page 3
- From bryanne's 1972 scrapbook

- Front and back of Pete's record
- From Lisa
- From bryanne's 1972 scrapbook
- From bryanne's 1972 scrapbook
- Devil's Hole, NY, USA is near
Niagra Falls
- From Sandy
- 1300x1300 cross stitch by Joni
- Denver's Brown Palace Hotel,
which Heyes discusses in "The Posse That Wouldn't Quit"
- From Marilyn
- Roy Huggins, AS&J's executive
producer in 2001
- From an AS&J friend
- Pete's house at 2552 Glen Green
Terrace in Hollywood, CA
- Photo taken in 1989
- From Michelle
- Wanted poster made by Marilyn
- File removed
to hinder its being sold on eBay!
- Wanted poster made by Marilyn
- File removed
to hinder its being sold on eBay!
- The Devil's Hole cabin on the
Universal Studios backlot, early 1990s
- From Judy
- Photo of a display showing Pete
and Ben having clay busts made during AS&J. This was
taken by Judy in May 1975 at a small shop where the sculptor
was working at Universal Studios.
- Another photo of the display
showing Pete and Ben having busts made.
- From Judy
- The Devil's Hole cabin on the
Universal Studios backlot, early 1990s
- From Judy
- 2552 Glen Green Terrace, Hollywood,
where Pete lived and died in 1971. The large addition at the
front of the house was added in the late 1980s.
- From Judy
- Stationary from UK AS&J
Fan Club, 1972
- Original dimensions are 143
mm by 211 mm
- From Leezz
- UK AS&J Fan Club
Wallet, 1972
- From Leezz
- Bust of Caesar sitting on a
shelf in the Universal Studios backlot (top shelf on left at
center of photo)
- From Judy
- Invitation sent by Glen Larson
to Dennis Fimple for a party celebrating the premiere of AS&J
- From Chris Fimple